Transforming Beauty from the Inside Out with Hana Novakova

S1 E6

About Hana Novakova with Nova Beauty Center

Hana Novaková, founder of Nova Beauty Center and Nova Cosmetics, discusses how she helps people transform and transcend their beauty from the inside out. She is a licensed facial specialist, aesthetician, and energy master practitioner. Hana emphasizes the connection between stress and beauty, explaining how different stresses in different parts of the body can show up on the face. She offers various treatments and techniques to help her clients reduce stress and improve their skin health. Hana also highlights the importance of self-love, forgiveness, and staying present to achieve overall well-being.

Main Takeaways

  • Beauty is an infinite energy that encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, relationship, and spiritual well-being.
  • Stress can manifest on the face in various ways, such as puffiness under the eyes, wrinkles, and acne in different areas.
  • Hana helps her clients reduce stress and improve their skin health through energy healing, facial treatments, and skincare rituals.
  • Self-love, forgiveness, and staying present are essential for overall well-being and beauty.

Main Chapters

Introduction and Background
The Connection Between Stress and Skin Health
The Journey into Energy Healing
Examples of Helping Clients Reduce Stress and Improve Skin
Self-Love and Forgiveness for Overall Well-Being
Virtual Consultations and Contact Information

Our Conversation

Allie Serrrano (00:00)
Okay, and we can go live.

Hana (00:00)
some treasures behind me I’m seeing right now and this is from my grandma this is from the other grandmas this is from my parents and I painted this aww

Allie Serrrano (00:11)
that’s beautiful. You have some amazing treasures behind you and I love your glasses.

Hana (00:14)
Thanks, they’re from Czech.

Allie Serrrano (00:17)
look good on you. All right. Welcome to Love Yourself podcast. My name is Allie Serrano I am your host. And on this podcast, we empower you by sharing amazing stories, offer powerful wisdom and help rediscover your self -love and bring you back to self -love. And I’m super thrilled because I have a special guest today. Her name is Hana Novaková. She is the founder of Nova Beauty Center and Nova

Cosmetics. She is a licensed facial specialist, aesthetician and energy master practitioner. And what she does is she helps people, she helps to transform people’s beauty from the inside out. And she helps with your stress. So that’s what we’re here to talk about. And I’m super thrilled. Welcome to my podcast, Hana.

Hana (01:09)
Thank you for having me. I’m very excited.

Allie Serrrano (01:13)
Yay, that’s awesome. So tell me, how long have you been in your industry?

Hana (01:17)
in the industry, beauty industry about almost 20 years.

Allie Serrrano (01:23)
Wow, that’s a long time. What made you get into the industry in general? What inspired you to start being a beauty aesthetician?

Hana (01:29)
In general, ever since I have been a child, my grandma was a nurse and I was in the health and wellness industry at that time and we used to massage each other’s backs. My mom, my grandma and myself was kind of a trio and they always said,

how powerful my hands were. And I moved to United States and got trained in aesthetics in Key West, Florida. And…

My friends actually inspired me at that time to go into an aesthetic school because they seen my bathroom full of beauty products from the cosmetic store, know, L ‘Oreal and MAC and those type things. And they said, have to go into a beauty school and facial…

school was the perfect way for me to get in with my hands on ladies and men’s faces and really being able to improve their beauty from the outside first and then it all just

blends in and improves the beauty from the inside by the acupressure, the reflexology, the stress relaxing music, the senses of the aromatherapy and such. that is my story.

Allie Serrrano (03:18)
That’s fascinating. I love the fact that your friends inspired you to do this because you’re so good at what you do. So let’s go ahead and dive right in. A lot of people have a lot of stress. That’s a fact, right? And we already know that stress can affect your body in all kinds of ways. Tell me about that and tell me how you help people overcome their stresses. And I know you do this in multiple ways. So let’s start with the facial part of things.

Hana (03:46)
Well, let’s say I wanted to talk about beauty, beauty and stress. Beauty, it’s an infinite energy of the physical body, the mental and the emotional state, the relationship with self and others, and the spiritual and financial well -being. And that energy

translates into the face actually of how we are expressing this beauty. Is this beauty on a positive side? Is everything beautiful and pretty and joyful and cheerful? Or is there some negativity going on that is the stress of

not being worthy not being beautiful not being enough and such so i help to transform and transcend those negative energies where you feel beautiful about yourself from the inside out

Allie Serrrano (04:57)
So that’s fascinating. And when we were speaking during our pre -interview, there’s something that you mentioned that different stresses in different parts of the body will show up on their face somewhere. And I never knew this until you mentioned that it’s so fascinating. So tell me about that and tell me some of the examples of how that shows up on a face.

Hana (05:19)
great example is puffiness under the eyes and let’s say wrinkles and just discoloration and things going on under the eyes and they are directly related to the kidney health and the basic area of the body. Let’s say we have…

lots of congestion and perhaps breakouts on the nose and redness on the nose that is directly related with the heart. Then, you know, acne or areas of the cheek are directly related to the lungs. So it’s very interesting how different areas really are connected with the organs of the body.

Allie Serrrano (05:46)

So that’s awesome. And do you often, like when you walk into a room and you start talking to somebody, this has happened to me. went to a one -to -one and the first thing she’s a massage therapist. And the first thing she told me without even saying hi or anything, the first thing she said was, you have back pain, don’t you? Just based on how I walked in and how I held my posture. Do you do the same thing with people’s face?

Hana (06:33)
When they come into the office, that’s my job. Recently I had a lunch with a gentleman and his girlfriend and we talked about this and he looked over to her and he said, she’s reading our faces right now. I said, no, I’m off the clock. Let me not.

Allie Serrrano (06:40)


That’s cute. So I know there’s part of what you do. It’s even more deep than just the facial esthetician. I know you’ve dialed recently into the energy healing part of what you do and you do this so well. What inspired you to start that journey and why?

Hana (07:14)
I have always been very empathetic and in tune with myself first and I’ve always looked for alternative answers to my pain, my discomfort, my negativity and the regular, let’s say, Western route

just wasn’t my kind of thing. And Eastern was maybe a little bit too out there for me. And I’m from Central Europe originally. And so I look East, West, North and South and let me get back to the center and make a decision. So first experienced…

energies just being in the nature where I grew up being with trees and walking barefoot and just really experiencing the power of getting rid of headache, just going outside and taking a deep breath and grounding yourself with no shoes on, you know. So that was my first experiences. And then when I moved to United States, I experienced training from

One of my friends that was a Reiki master. So I’m a Reiki master as well. I don’t practice Reiki. I am practicing energy mastery, which is to me right now the core of my answers and where I can go to the core of my things and my clients. And when I learned Reiki,

I didn’t experience the community as always bringing us back and helping us work on ourselves and helping on others. And when I met this new training, it’s a forever school and they us to a higher standard and then I get to hold my clients to a higher standard and we all grow.

Allie Serrrano (09:21)
That’s amazing. How do you enjoy that? I’m sure because you’re so good at.

Hana (09:24)
It’s my soul’s mission and it’s my passion.

Allie Serrrano (09:29)
That’s amazing. So tell me some of the examples of how you help people and what are some of the main things that you see that as it relates to stress and beauty and how do you help them?

Hana (09:42)
Let’s talk about one of my clients that is coming in with acne on her skin. She actually came to see me for face tightening and face lifting, which is microcurrent. As I understand, the acne is

on the core level, it’s related to emotions and the mental state. And as I work with the chakras and the strata, the solar plexus is congested and her subconscious needs to be cleansed from certain things like fear and overwhelm and stress. It’s a lot of stress. It’s extra inflammation in the body, overgrowth of bacteria on the skin.

So as she came to me for microcurrent, which is skin tightening, I said, let’s work on your acne as well.

And the way I work on it is with the energy healing first. I get her a nice good cleansing of the health rays, strengthening the health rays, cleansing the general subtle body, and then cleansing the solar plexus, energizing the solar plexus. Then the heart, crown, the ajna, those need to be cleansed and things come up for her as I am doing that. So some of the past stress.

comes up and we get to clean that and transform it, transcend it, where she feels much lighter and calmer and right away that just alleviates some of the inflammation that’s causing all of the havoc. And then I lay her on the table and we get to deep pore cleanse the skin and the pores and do some extractions for some of the lesions and then of course the microcurrent which helps to assist

Allie Serrrano (11:28)

Hana (11:42)
me in lymphatic drainage that helps to remove some of the toxins from the skin. And then I infuse nutrients with oxygen, example, massage as much as I can for the acne skin and perhaps also an infrared light with

blue light that is great to assist with the bacteria overgrowth in the skin and she is off living, rejuvenated, regenerated, relaxed. Her mind is calm, her body is calm, her skin is calm and she feels like she can conquer the world.

Allie Serrrano (12:27)
That’s fascinating. I love that. What are some of the obviously you could do this over and over and over because we often tag along stress from our day to day stuff. What are some of the other ways that you help people some other examples?

Hana (12:44)
some of the other examples. I like to give homeless money. That’s one way I help people. I like to leave dollars in stores, which

Allie Serrrano (12:54)

Hana (13:01)
I’ve been doing that for some time now and I just leave dollars in a store and somebody else will pick them up and they can buy themselves something nice. And that’s, I’ve been doing that for a minute. But obviously the most I can help with my job with the…

Allie Serrrano (13:14)

Hana (13:21)
with my passion, skincare. I can also help to improve your skincare rituals at home with Nova Cosmetics. That’s another way. And give yourself more self -love than you ever did with rituals of looking into the mirror and really looking into your soul and cleansing the daily.

stuff off your skin and infusing with serums and moisturizers do good for a good night’s sleep and regeneration while you sleep.

Allie Serrrano (13:59)
Thank you. Thank you for all of that. You’ve done some amazing work on myself as well. So I appreciate all that you do. Obviously you cannot help everybody because there’s like too many of us for you alone. What are some of the things that you that we can do to reduce stress?

Hana (14:18)
One thing that came to my mind right now and not to be political at all, but Kamala Harris say, stay awoke, be awoke. That, you know, I said, she said it, it’s true.

Allie Serrrano (14:27)

Hana (14:32)
be a awoke for the things that, okay, let’s say I am a facial specialist, skincare is my passion. Maybe know what you are putting on your skin and what you are putting in your body, read the ingredients of the labels. And that is something that you can really do to prevent

Getting the toxins in, of course, you know what you are watching on TV, perhaps just turn off the TV and find answers the different way because there is a lot of misleading information out there.

Allie Serrrano (15:04)

Hana (15:07)
Stay grounded. That’s my biggest thing. I say how can you become a supernova if you are not grounded? So grounding is very important and that is to bring yourself to present. So being awoke means be in the present and don’t worry about the past because it doesn’t exist. Don’t worry about the future because it doesn’t exist. Right now everything is good, everything is safe and we can build

Allie Serrrano (15:10)
There you go.


Hana (15:34)
from there and that would be a couple of things that I would recommend.

Allie Serrrano (15:40)
So read the labels, stay grounded. Is there anything that we can do to forgive ourselves or to grow self -love?

Hana (15:51)
Yes, keep repeating all day, every day. I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I forgive myself for what I just watched. I forgive myself what I just ate. I forgive myself and I forgive myself. I forgive myself.

Allie Serrrano (16:10)
And the same thing to, you mentioned this earlier, looking at yourself in a mirror in a positive light.

And I know I’ve talked about this couple of podcasts ago. We are human, right? We are meant to experience things we’re meant to go. Yeah.

Hana (16:25)
We are an energy in a human meat suit.

Allie Serrrano (16:32)
Okay, I like that. That’s better. But the point I was trying to make was, our goal is to experience positive and negative things. Our goals is to make errors so that we learn from them and that’s how we grow. So if you feel bad for making mistakes or doing bad things, then don’t feel bad. Forgive yourself. Love yourself more and then call Hana and she can clean you up.

Hana (16:58)
Yes, you know, a lot of the times you need coaching, you need someone to speak with and you need to resolve those energies. And so I am here to help you resolve those energies because

some of those energies, need to be transmuted and transformed. We can always, you know, write it and throw it away and burn it. But it doesn’t really work like that. Subconsciously, that energy has to be transmuted and then you can really create change in your reality.

Allie Serrrano (17:39)
That’s a great, great tip. I just had a thought and it just went away. Okay, well hopefully it’ll come back. Tell me, there you go. It just came back. When people reach out to you, obviously I know you’re local to Tampa Bay area, but do you offer virtual consultation and virtual services and how should people reach you?

Hana (18:00)
Yes, I do. We can have consultation and session just like this via Zoom or any other platform. I have sessions with my clients just via telephone as well, where we are not seeing each other. It works for some clients and Tampa Bay area. am in South Tampa, Florida and

You can reach me at novabeautycenter .com. You can find the phone number and all the online booking where you can book virtual consultation and in -person consultation. And I will reach out to you right after your booking to get the details.

Allie Serrrano (18:48)
Amazing. That’s good to know. that’s nova beauty center .com. Good. And are you on any social networks that people can find you at as well?

Hana (18:51)

Facebook, Nova Beauty Center, Instagram, Nova Beauty Center, TikTok, Nova Beauty Center, Nova Cosmetics is still growing, Nova Beauty Center also still growing. So follow me, like the pages, engage in the conversations, learn and let’s have a great time online.

Allie Serrrano (19:20)
Yay. Okay. So there are three questions that I ask everybody is one of my wrap up questions. So we’ll start with the first one. What is the one item or the one thing that you cannot live without?

Hana (19:36)
I think I just did it. I think I cannot live without long deep breath.

Allie Serrrano (19:43)
that’s a very unique answer, not what I was expecting. All right. Question number two. If you were stuck on an island with a celebrity dead or alive, who would you want to be there with and why?

Hana (19:57)
I would want to be there with my teacher, mentor, Shevan Moran, because we would have such a great time.

Allie Serrrano (20:08)
you know, have yet to meet her, I so look forward to that day. I’m sure there’s going to be a day when I do. OK, and third question, what do you love about yourself the most and why?

Hana (20:14)

I love my authenticity. I love my willingness to do better and I love my heart. It’s a good heart.

Allie Serrrano (20:34)
You have a good heart. All right. So wrapping up, what’s the one thing that you want people to walk away with if they skim through the podcast episode? What’s the one takeaway that you want people to remember?

Hana (20:49)
Stay present. Stay present and be aware of your surroundings, be aware of yourself and you can grow from that very much. And forgive yourself all day every day.

Allie Serrrano (21:03)
and forgive yourself. All right. Thank you. Thank you so much. What’s your motivational quote or your life motto that you use every day?

Hana (21:15)
Always choose joy.

Allie Serrrano (21:18)
thank you, Hana. This was so much fun. I appreciate you being here. Yay. So for those of you who are listening, thank you so much for watching, for listening. If you find us on YouTube, then please like and share. And if you find us on a Love Yourself podcast or on other podcast streams, then definitely like and come back for more.

Hana (21:20)
This was great, thank you very much.

Allie Serrrano (21:42)
We’ll be back next week with more amazing, informational, inspirational stories and tips. So thanks for watching and thanks for being here today.

Hana (21:51)
Thank you. Have a beautiful day.

Allie Serrrano (21:54)

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Picture of Author: Allie Serrano
Author: Allie Serrano

My name is Allie Serrano and I am a portrait photographer, fashion stylist, and confidence coach. I was bullied as a child for having red hair and it made me feel very self-conscious. So I can relate to not feeling good enough. But today it is a source of my biggest strength and so it should be for you. My goal for you is to live the life of your dreams. With Love yourself podcast, I will empower you, hear your inspirational stories, offer powerful wisdom by hearing from the experts, and bring you back to self-love and self confidence. Also check out my portrait photography studio, Allie Serrano Portraits, and a fashion store Styles by Allie.

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